Looking for quality transport refrigeration units that won’t break the bank?
At Thermal Mark we take great pride in the quality, reliability and value for money our range of truck refrigeration units have to offer. That’s what makes Thermal Mark the number one choice among transport operators in the Australian market. From small trucks to 8 pallet monsters, we have a solution to suit everyone.
Our range of transport refrigeration units is capable of freezing small ute bodies, all the way up to an 8 pallet truck. They are powerful, high-capacity and very reliable.
Why use Thermal Mark’s Truck Refrigeration Units?
- We guarantee temperature.
- We guarantee quality.
- 1 or 2 year conditional warranty available.
- Simplified electrical system.
- Cost-effective replacement parts.
- Designed to suit Australian conditions.
- Electric Standby available on all models.
Browse our brochures or call one of our refrigeration experts to further discuss our refrigerated truck range or obtain a quote.
Thermal Mark – We keep it cool!
After 10yrs in Australia, the TM-100 by Thermal Mark has proven its quality in the Small Truck and Ute applications. Designed and Engineered for high performance and superior cooling.
Designed specifically for Australian conditions the TM-250 by Thermal Mark is the perfect solution for the Medium Truck range.
Powerful and Reliable, the TM-500 by Thermal Mark has proven its power in Large Truck freezer applications. Designed for high performance. Engineered superior reliability.
TM-050 RT Series by Thermal Mark is designed for chilled and frozen applications on small to medium sized vans.
TM-100 RT Series by Thermal Mark is designed for chilled and frozen applications on small to medium sized vans.
TM-250 RT Series by Thermal Mark is designed for chilled and frozen applications on large long wheel base high roof vans.